Do Not Be Conformed To This World...

Lady Liberty, The Cross & The Empty Tomb

10/06/2014 21:05

I was sitting and watching television recently and a commercial came on showing in the background the Statue of Liberty.  I didn’t see the beginning of the commercial but as I watched I wanted to know why was this statue in the commercial and what was the relation.  The more I looked at the statue the more the Holy Spirit spoke to me.  There is a certain idea and expectation of liberty that comes with that statue.  Yet, with all that it offers it still pales in comparison to what the Cross and Empty Tomb offers. Many have come to this country with an idea of liberty in mind only to find that even in this liberty there still remains a level of bondage.  With great expectation they have left all that they knew…good, bad and indifferent to come to something that meant more to them than their past and present hurts, pains and even victories. They know the poverty, shackles and abuse that they have escaped yet with all of that said…they have not a clue that only in the Cross and the Empty Tomb what they search for can be found. Sure, there will be found certain freedoms but there’s no guarantee of a FREE INDEED.

The Cross…the Empty Tomb:  do we not know that there is a guarantee that cannot be voided?  As with the statue we can see, know and understand that the poverty-of the Holy Spirit, the shackles of despair and the abuse of the world can be freed from us…yet too often we have not received the full revelation of the work of the Cross nor the full measure of the Empty Tomb.

In the same manner that those who saw the statue as a means of hope and deliverance from those things holding them down and back…we should take into account that those deep things that have been rooted and grounded within us can be removed by the Cross and the Empty Tomb.  Today I challenge you to see the Cross and the Empty Tomb for what it truly is…LIBERTY. 


During this challenge…let’s not limit this freedom to only those things that we think is poverty, shackles or abuse but those things that are unknown to us…those silent  killers that’s holding our minds and hearts hostage.  Let’s allow TRUE liberty to ring.



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